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St Mary's Roman Catholic Church Preston Park Brighton UK


Your Sacramental Journey Through Life

At St Mary's Church, we are here for all the special occasions & milestones throughout life's journey.


The Catholic Church teaches that there are seven sacraments or rites through which God can communicate his grace to an individual. Catholic Christians believe that the sacraments are channels for God’s grace - every time they take part in a sacrament, they receive more grace.

The sacraments are rituals that teach, strengthen and express faith. They are relevant to all areas and stages of life, and Catholics believe that the love and gifts of God are given through seven sacraments, which are:


  • Baptism

  • Eucharist (First Holy Communion)

  • Confirmation

  • Reconciliation (Confession)

  • Anointing of the sick

  • Marriage

  • Holy orders


Catholics believe that Christians are made holy by carrying out these acts, and that the rites lead to a strengthening of humanity’s connection with God.


Take a look at our sacraments below, or get in touch with us for more information

St Mary's Roman Catholic Church Preston Park Brighton UK


Baptism is a great gift to give to your child. It welcomes them into the parish faith community founded on Christ’s love for us all. We also offer Baptism for adults.

First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion is a wonderful moment in a child’s life and represents a sign of growth in the knowledge and love of God for each and every child.

St Mary's Brighton First Holy Communion
St Mary's Roman Catholic Church Brighton Preston Park Brighton Confirmation


In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Holy Spirit completes the grace of baptism and offers the newly confirmed strength as a true witness of Christ.

Reconciliation (Confession)

The Sacrament of Reconciliation has an important role to play in the life of the faithful. It is the Sacrament that restores us to communion with God and the Church, and to again receive Holy Communion.

St Mary's Church Brighton Reconciliation Confession
St Mary's Church Brighton Sacraments Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick

The Anointing of the Sick is administered by the bishop and priests to offer prayers and strength to the souls of the sick through the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Marriage (Holy Matrimony)

In a sacramental marriage, God’s love becomes present to the spouses in their total union and also flows through them to their family and community.

St Mary's Roman Catholic Church Preston Park Brighton UK
St Mary's Church Brighton Sacraments Holy Orders Priesthood

Holy Orders (Priesthood)

Learn how to interpret the signs that God is calling you to become a priest, and find out more on Priesthood & Vocations with Arundel & Brighton Diocese.

Catholic Funerals

Catholics believe in life after death. After a Catholic has passed on, their family may hold a prayer vigil on the evening before their funeral, sometimes called reception of the body.

St Mary's Roman Catholic Church Preston Park Brighton UK
St Mary's Roman Catholic Church Preston Park Brighton UK

Become a Catholic

Thinking of joining our faith? You've come to the right place. St Mary's is here to help you prepare for Baptism as an adult, and to welcome you into our friendly Parish Community.

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