Ministers of Holy Communion
What is it all about?
Under certain circumstances, lay men and women may be delegated to distribute Holy Communion. Through the gift of ministry, the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, is commissioned to serve Christ’s Church through bringing the gift of Jesus Christ himself to his brothers and sisters, joining him in a life poured out in loving service of his kingdom.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass
The minister serves Christ present in the assembly by ministering his body and blood to their brothers and sisters.
Ministry to the Sick and Housebound
Eucharist ministers also serve the unity of the worshiping community by taking communion to those members who are prevented by sickness, old age, or other cause from taking part in the gathering for Mass.
Is there special training required?
Eucharistic Ministers must first receive a training on the exercise of their ministry. After this they are scheduled to exercise this ministry at Mass, and to the sick or home-bound to bring communion and comfort to those who are unable to attend Mass at St Mary's.
How do I get involved?
To schedule training, or to return to these ministries after some time away, please contact the Parish office by phone or email,
and we will contact you to arrange a meeting with our Parish priest.