Young Adults
Praise & Worship Group
What is it all about?
Kaleó young adults praise & worship group invites you to join us for a powerful time of worshiping and standing the Lord's presence.
Experience a close encounter with God in the Blessed Sacrament, in the praises of His People, prayer with the heart and reflections
from the scripture...
Who is it for?
Kaleó young adults praise & worship group is the perfect place for young adults to come together and build faith through weekly praise and worship, spiritual formation, and of course, fun!
What does Kaleó mean?
Kαλέω (Kaleō), the Biblical word often used in Sciptures. In the Scriptures, it means “call." It is no ordinary call.
We are called to live as perfect lives as possible as set out by the Catechism. The Kaleó group will help you live by the word of the Bible.
We pray together, we share our friendships together, we laugh together, we discuss together, we cry together, we
are together. That is Kaleō, that is our calling!
Where does it take place?
Our weekly meetings are held on Thursdays in the Parish Pastoral Centre: 5 Surrenden Road, Brighton BN1 6PA.
For more information, head over to our Linktree or Facebook. You can find us on: linktr.ee/kaleo_worshipgroup
or on Facebook: @kaleo.worshipgroup