What are catechists?
Formally speaking, catechists are defined in canon law as “lay members of the Christians faithful, duly instructed and outstanding in Christian life, who devote themselves to setting forth the teachings of the Gospel and organizing liturgies and works of charity under the direction of a missionary.”
What role do they perform?
Catechists are responsible for helping those preparing for the Sacraments, whether as candidates for First Holy Communion & Reconciliation, for Confirmation, parents of children to be Baptised or adults wishing to become members of the Church.
What is required?
This important role often requires a regular commitment to participating in leading groups(frequently between September and May) but can be incredibly fulfilling as you share your faith and learning with others, most often with young people or children.
How do I get involved?
If you would like to join one of our catechists' teams, please contact us by phone or email, and the parish will provide training.